Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Hello Cake Pops!

Recently, I've been tossing around the idea to create my own business. I have an insane love for baking and the more I thought about it, I realized I'm stupid if I don't consider making a business out of this love. I have researched way too many things in the past few weeks. I couldn't figure out what I wanted my main product to be. I considered cupcakes and cookies, then it hit me! Hello to those darling cake pops! I finally felt really great about this product and came to the conclusion that they would be easy to ship......if needed. Besides the occasional cake pop purchase at Starbucks, I knew nothing about these little joyfully sweet treats. I began scouring the internet for ideas and to my surprise, I found a TON of perfect ideas. I read blog after blog and watched numerous YouTube tutorials to help understand the dos and dont's about these delicate sweets.

Everywhere I clicked, another bad story about creating cake pops. The several blogs I read discussed how many times it took before perfecting the oh-so-yummy cake pop. This past weekend, I felt I read enough and wanted to bring my knowledge to the lab (my kitchen)! Can I tell you how terrible Hobby Lobby is? I only go to Hobby Lobby if I absolutely have to. I could have spent my entire pay check on my Saturday adventure. Anyway, I couldn't wait to begin creating my very first cake pop. Everything was going great and I followed all the rules and secrets to a T! It was finally time to try these little boogers and I hoped and prayed they would turn out great. You ever have that moment when you realize, these look perfect..........what did I do wrong?! I kept reading about all these cake pop trials gone wrong and I didn't have any signs of error with my first batch. Here goes.....

I let my 7 year old bonus son try the first cake pop. Who was I kidding, he's 7 and it's a sweet treat of course he would love it. Then, it was my turn and at first I got excited, but it was short lived. The cake/icing combo was waaaaaaay to sweet (who says that?). My husband tried a bite and he thought it was too sweet and mushy. I agreed with him, but they looked cute! :-)

These cake pops were made of yellow cake and vanilla icing. I put way to much icing and I needed to bake my cake a little longer. I finally master the art of baking moist cakes and now I have to over cook it. Slightly confusing.

After my first attempt, I was a little bummed but I was determined to master these silly things. This time, I was busting out the Red Velvet and Cream Cheese! I'm obsessed with Red Velvet anything and if I messed up this batch, at least I can eat all the mistakes. :-) Once I created the cake and icing mixture, I had to do a little taste test.... juuuuussssttt to make sure it was good. Bingo! Everything was perfect! I finally finished the Red Velvet batch last night and tried the first cake pop of the batch and it was INCREDIBLE! Makes me wanna slap ya momma! Check these beauties out...

Seriously, how stinkin' adorable? I can't help but pat myself on the back! I will be back in the lab (my kitchen) this weekend to create more yummy goodness and fun! I got time for that!

PS - Special thanks to everyone who has supported me through this business adventure. I'm thoroughly enjoying it and I can't wait to see where Creative Road takes me.